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Services | What You Can Expect

Consultation - $150
This is a pre-staging consultation up to 2 hours.
I will give you suggestions when we walk through your property together. You can take notes during the tour, or contact us any time when you are not sure what to do regarding the staging. ​
The consultation fee will be credited back if you request the following staging service.

Vacant Home Staging – Starts from $2000
Vacant homes are especially in need of staging because they tend to take longer to sell and get the lowest price. We will give you a price estimate on the phone after a short interview, give you options and work within your budget while making your home beautiful.

Redesign and home styling
All redesign projects start with a consultation. We will talk through your budget, requirement, style preference etc. in our first meeting (consultation), then you will have a clear vision of your home improvement project and we will assist you from design concept to complete.
Designer's discount and vendor referral will be provided.

Virtual Staging - $50 per photo
For those who have limited budget, virtual staging is a good choice. It significantly enhances the look of a vacant photo, and drives away the cold, empty, and abandand feeling. It shows great potential of the space to buyers who may not be able to visualize it by themselves.
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